Number one: eggs can explode in the microwave oven even though you remove the shell …
Take that, Lyngby and Viborg! :D
When people tell you that falling in groups doesn't hurt, don't believe them! ;)
It's huge! ;)
But the good kind. :)
The currently coolest AGF-player! After a few year's fallout from football I went to see AGF play. I could probably name one player from the team. But when I saw Ulrik Lindkvist play, I knew he was my new favorite player. :D
Oh my. I sure love my new AGF-jersey. :D
Look at where the pot is. Then look at which switch is turned on. Not the way I would've done it. ;)
I wonder how they intended to spell their own name. ;)
It's a miracle! ;)
I have some power sockets without power so what's a girl to do? :) Yes, mom, I have contacted the seller!
Now I can totally wash my clothes. Which is a good thing since I don't have any clean socks. ;) But first a walk in the forest. :)
Look at the size of his beer! Yeah, the huge one is mine. TWHS! ;)
People shouldn't have access to my shoe laces and my pants.
The joy of a haircut. And notice the painting behind me. I like it. :)
AGF is totally gonna kick ass! :D
I think I just went blind from the flash! Anyway, I finished reading Catch 22 so now I can finally wear this shirt.
Mmm.. Chocolate! :)
The postman managed not only to get my mail through the letterbox but also under the next door and into my kitchen/living room/office/bedroom. :)
First sorry about the quality of the picture. But I'm taking a walk in the forest and all of a sudden I see grass and two goals. That's pretty cool because I really was wondering where the nearest place to play was. The only problem is that I'm not entirely sure where I am! ;)
I'm really enjoying being as happy as a crazy person. :D
A clean, eh, not messy, floor, curtains, the dishes done, a painting on the wall, a non-leaking shower, my name on the building door, and.. Well, that's all I can think of. But that's all pretty cool! :D
Mmm... Eggs. :)
I think I'm ill a bit too often. I'm not really feeling well today but unfortunately that doesn't stop the world around me. So I'll do my cryptography hand-in now.