Saturday, December 22, 2007

This one time I got drunk and …

So I've done a lot of stupid things when I've been drunk. Haven't we all? Actually I've done enough stupid and silly things that I'm not sure where to start! Most memorable was probably when I lost my purse and with it my passport, my VISA card, my phone, and the key for my hotel room. That's also the only time drinking has had serious consequences for me.

Many times I've woken up with bruises. Sometimes I can't remember how I got them. Sometimes I can and wish I would have been wiser. Like the time when I knew I was to drunk to by riding my bike. But Thomas -- as the nice friend he is -- convinced me that I could totally ride my bike. Drunk, I thought to myself, "Well, I'll just ride it really carefully." Which led to me crashing after approximately 1 meter because I didn't drive fast enough to be able to keep my balance. I've had another bike accident while drunk. Here I wasn't smart enough to realize that I shouldn't be riding it. Lars told me I was way to drunk but I didn't believe him. Until I crashed while trying to climb the bike. Yeah, he was right and I walked home.

Some times things are just so stupid that you have to wonder how you could ever think it was a good idea. Like when we tried falling in groups. So what do I mean by "falling in groups", you ask? Well, we got up, 4 people, shouted "FALDGRUPPE!" and then fell in some direction. I've never been so covered in bruises as I was the next day. I could barely walk normal. Why would we be so stupid, you ask? Well, our friend Lisbet talked about how some time ago it was very modern to be falling in groups. Neither of us had ever heard of such a thing. But then again, we were also all younger than the Internet. Apparently people used to fall in large crowds and it didn't hurt. Or so Lisbet said. It turned out to be false. Even when you're drunk you should realize that thoughts like "Wow. It didn't hurt this time. That was different!" means that you're doing something stupid. But we didn't realize. We even broke a chair when we all fell onto it. Another source, also older than the Internet, has later confirmed that people actually used to do this some time ago. However, it is apparently essential that you are in a crowd instead of being just 4 people.

Another time I was just lucky that nothing worse happened to me. People were swinging around street lights and I though to myself "I can totally do that". So totally pole dancing style I ran and grabbed the street light and swung around it. It was all nice and good until my hands slipped and I fell down on the street and slammed the back of my head into the asphalt. Luckily nothing serious happened, I was just very sore the next day.

I've also passed out from drinking before 12. "No big deal, everybody has done that at some point." you say? Well, I'm not talking midnight, I'm talking noon! When the young and unspoiled people started at the university, Thomas and I decided to bring Gammel Dansk and drink a shot for each person starting at the university. We didn't manage to drink quite that much but we got our fair share. The last thing I remember is that we're sitting in a friend's office and run out of GD. Thomas leaves to buy a new bottle. I can vaguely remember him returning. The next thing that happens is that I dream that my then boyfriend and Thomas are walking me home, me with an arm around each of them because I could barely stand. Still, I tried to convince them that it would all go much faster if they would just let me run. When I woke up in my bed and talked to my bf, I realized it wasn't a dream. My body was covered in drawings and I was still drunk. When I checked my sent messages, I saw messages I had no recollection sending. Most notable was the one with the text "Hjælp+++", or in English "Help+++". Never before or since have I been so drunk as I was that day.

And then there was the time when I chatted up the alcoholic at my favorite bar. That was not a good choice. And oddly enough as I'm writing this, I'm recovering from my hang over after yet another evening of doing stupid things. But I don't plan on learning. Ever! ;)

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